In 1998, Siebel made a key decision to acquire Scopus technology& a company in the call center market that was nearly as large as Siebel. 1998年,希柏做了一个重大决策,收购了斯高帕斯技术公司(ScopusTechnology)&这是一家在呼叫中心市场规模和希柏相当的企业。
In addition, it analyzes the date of the call warrants of the market in China, the results suggests that the situation of the market of China may be similar to the markets abroad. 文章综述了认股权证的发行对标的股票股价影响的理论及国外的实证研究结果,并用中国市场的数据对认购权证进行了实证分析,认为中国市场很可能存在与国外相似的情况。
Any transaction which occurs in the call money market. 发生在短期拆放市场的交易。
Call money and discount market Short cycle times can be achieved by detaching the mold plates before the concrete is completely set up. 短期拆放和贴现市场在混凝土完全硬化之前拆模可以缩短周期时间。
Call money and discount market 短期拆放和贴现市场
Our call centers allow us to market products over the telephone. 我们的信息服务台允许我们通过电话推销产品。
Outside of the post, it is a place that the locals call "the antique market". 在关隘之外有个被当地人称作古董市场的地方。
Profit Model Study on Mobile Internet in China Call Phone Market 中国手机市场移动互联网盈利模式探讨
During the period of call notice, market price of convertible bonds is closer to parity value and higher than theoretical price, and thus arise dramatic errors in both periods; 在赎回通知期,转债市场价格更接近转换平价而高于理论价格,这两个时期的误差都比较大;
The site is what we like to call a "meat market" and personally I like it better during the second week when it has thinned out. 赛场就像个小菜场,所以,个人比较喜欢第二个星期,“瘦身”以后。
Every estate already dealt with what move produces again after property right of2 class market is registered and getting property right card, call move of3 class market to register. 凡房地产已办理二级市场产权登记并领取产权证后又发生转移的,称为三级市场转移登记。
I call that belief market fundamentalism and I contend that it is based on a false argument. 我把这种说法称作“市场原教旨主义”,并且我认为这种论断是建立在错误的论据基础上的。
It is more suitable to call the commodity market of today as "battle field without smoke of gunpowder". 把如今的商品市场称之为“没有硝烟的战场”是再合适不过的。
Spread Maintenance-Measures the Market Maker's ability to call a2-sided market. 传播维护-衡量做市商的双面市场能力。
We call it our Time Market Program. 我们称之为时间市场项目。
The deposits average more than two hundred millions a day; and it dominates the call loan market on Wall Street and the stock market. 保证金平均每天高达2亿,操纵着华尔街和股票市场的短期同业拆借市场。
The upshot is that covered call funds outperform stock market indices when the market is flat or falling, but underperform when shares are shooting upwards. 其结果是,当股市持平或下跌时,备兑买入基金的表现会好于股市指数,但当股价一路上扬时,其表现则落后于股市。
Analysis of the Domestic Call Center Market 国内呼叫中心产业市场发展分析
The other one is fictitious world made up by information, we call it "market space". 另一个则是由信息所组成的虚拟世界,称之为市场空间。
Entering information age, enterprises all carry on the competition in two worlds: one is material world composed of resources that the administrator can see and touch, we Call it "market place"; 进入信息时代,企业都在两个世界中进行竞争:一个是管理者可以看到、触摸到的由资源组成的物质世界,称之为市场场所;
The outsourcing market of the call center service is in a snowball period while the number, scale and strength of equipment and software suppliers are stepping up by a big margin. China has become the second largest call center market in the Asia Pacific region. 外包呼叫中心市场处于形成中的快速增长期,设备及软件供应商的数量、规模和实力大幅度提升,中国已成为亚太地区第二大呼叫中心市场。
The article launches analysis around above-mentioned respects on Call Market, Repurchase Agreements Market, Note Market separately. 本文分别就银行间同业拆借市场、回购协议市场与票据市场围绕上述方面展开分析。
According to the viewpoint of the china's financial field, the finance market consists of money market and capital market which we call stock market. 根据我国金融界最常用的提法,把金融市场分为货币市场和资本市场,资本市场就是我们通常所说的证券市场。
The dissertation studies the price formation in three basic trading mechanisms including market making market, continuous auction market and call auction market. We argue that both of the security demand functions and security price functions are linear in equilibrium. 本文对做市商市场、连续竞价市场和集合竞价市场等三种基本交易机制下的价格形成进行了研究,证明了均衡时三种交易机制下的证券需求函数和价格函数均为线形。
The global Call Center market has been in volatile increase since 1997. The reason of this kind of increase is that enterprises attach importance to creating and keeping relationship with customers. 自1997年开始,全球的呼叫中心市场一直处于爆炸性的快速增长之中,企业重视争取客户和保持客户,是该市场增长的原因。
American Call Option with Stochastic Market Model 随机市场下美式看涨期权的定价
The core in the property right is market., which we call is SAOC Market Contract Theory. 这种产权关系展开的核心是市场,我们称其为国有资产经营公司的市场契约理论。
Although these artificial transactions traders are not market makers in deed, they already behave like a market maker and already get all the market maker characteristics. We call these ones virtual market makers. 本文则认为这些交易者虽然不是真正意义上的做市商,但他们事实上从事了做市商的行为,并具有做市商的特征,我们称其为虚拟做市商。
He defined efficient market that in a stock market, which prices reflect all available information, then we call this a market for the efficient market. 他对有效市场的定义是,在一个证券市场上,价格反映了所有可获得的信息,那么就称这样的市场为有效市场。
In the current grim international economic situation, the Chinese Economic News, together with Chinese people actively and quickly respond to the call of each market change, obtaining the competition initiative in the battle against this crisis. 面对严峻的经济形势,我国经济新闻积极响应市场要求,对经济市场的变革做出快速反应,同全国人民一起在这场与金融危机抗衡的战役中获得主动权。